Dedicated to Helping Rhode Island’s Millennials
Millennial Rhode Island was created to help you #ChooseRI. We believe that Rhode Island is the best place to live, to have fun, to work, to start businesses, and to start families in. Rhode Island is home to some of the best universities in the world. Our culinary scene is unmatched. Our coastlines and beaches are breathtakingly beautiful. And Providence, our state’s capital, is quickly becoming a cradle for creativity and risk-takers.
Choosing RI After College
For millennials, choosing RI isn’t easy. We’ve experienced some of the worst financial hardships in recent history. We’re burdened with student debt, we deal with underemployment, and many of us are dissatisfied working a job we didn’t aspire to do. So many of us leave and hit the reset button. We roll the dice hoping that our dreams are somewhere beyond the borders of our state. We don’t want you to do that. We want you to keep your dreams here in Rhode Island. Millennial RI is dedicated to increasing the number of millennials who #ChooseRI after college. We do this together by providing you:
A network of friendly professionals that want to see you succeed.
Professional and personal development workshops.
A voice for creating millennial-friendly policies from our local and state governments.
Statewide Initiatives
Millennials are 300,000 strong in Rhode Island, and every single one of them deserves being invested in! Millennial RI is building a large and diverse network of millennials that will provide programming to keep our generation in Rhode Island. This programming includes:
Financial Literacy and Planning
Personal & Professional Development
Civic Engagement
Connecting millennials to employment and internship resources
Connecting millennials with activities and events of mission-aligned organizations
Promoting a positive image of our state within our generation
Executive director
Kyla Pecchia
Executive Committee
Travis Escobar | President
Luis Olmo | Treasurer
Christine DiBiase | Vice President
Chris Parisi | Acting Secretary & Marketing
Sarah Dell | Marekting Communications
Bret Jacob
Group Director
Victor Regino | Group Director
Patricia Socarras
Programming Committee Chair
Q: Am I a millennial?
A: Millennial Rhode Island recognizes our generation as people born from 1979-2000.
Q: How many millennials are in Rhode Island?
A: There are nearly 300,000 millennials in our state and nearly 70,000 in Providence.
Q: What’s a brain drain?
A: A ‘brain drain’ is a condition in which many talented or educated people leave a particular place and move to another one that gives them better pay or living conditions. A Providence Journal analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau data reported “1,724 more Rhode Island residents ages 20 to 29 moved out of the state than moved in during the years 2006 to 2012.”
Q: Is this just another Young Professional organization?
A: No. Millennial RI is a ‘generational organization’. We encourage Rhode Island residents born from 1979-2000 to become members. We do offer Mentor memberships to people who aren't millennials and want to give back to the next generation.
Q: Am I professional enough to join?
A: Millennial RI was created to bring in a diverse group of talent together. Whether you work in business, government, as an artist, or as a barista, Millennial Rhode Island will always be open for everyone. You will never need a suit and tie to come to one of our events.
Q: Do you provide memberships?
A: Yes, click here!
Q: How can I help?
A: If you are interested in getting involved, please email us at